
We compile all the necessary documents for your eco-account and accompany you to the date of application.

Nature conservation areas to compensate for later interventions in nature and landscape

Eco-accounts allow to dedicate areas to nature and species conservation and to document and administer compensatory and replacement measures in form of eco-points which can be freely traded. Eco-points can later be assigned to projects requiring compensation measures.

To register own areas in an eco-account results in a permanent commitment to the specified use or maintenance of this area as well as implementation of the agreed measures.

We therefore ensure to agree the proposed measures set out in the development concept in close cooperation with the land owner.


Our services in detail

We provide personal advice and supervision regarding environmental issues and compile all necessary documents until the date of application.

  • Expert evaluation of the initial habitat
  • Compilation of proposed measures to develop the targeted habitat or species protection measures in close cooperation with client and approving authority
  • Compilation of a development concept to apply for an eco-account
  • Advice for the trade with eco-points

Proposals for measurements and forms of use are customized to suit area, site-specific nature conservation context, farming possibilities and preferences of the applicant.

Implementation of the eco-account measures and management or maintenance of the area are responsibility of the client. Also the timing of the individual measures can thus be individually determined.

Upon request, we offer ecological or success monitoring for the implementation of the measures.

Right from the beginning, our clients get involved in all steps making sure that the eco-account measure will suit you, your area and your needs.

