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Flora and fauna surveys

We use a variety of innovative methods to map and monitor animal and plant species in the terrestrial environment.

Surveying and mapping of all planning-relevant species

Profound surveys of the flora and fauna inventory are an essential basis for the compilation of assessments and expert reports in approval and environmental planning as well as research. The information obtained is used in further planning and authorisation steps and is processed and evaluated in various expert reports and statements.

  • We monitor all planning-relevant species. These include birds (breeding, resting and migrating birds), amphibians, reptiles, relevant insect groups and mammals (including bats and dormice).
  • We map biotope types and habitat types (EU Habitats Directive), including planning-relevant plant species.
  • Our survey methods are tailored to the project and the requirements of the federal states or the project-specific specifications and agreed in detail with the authorities on a case-by-case basis.
  • Among others, we offer the deployment of artificial hiding places or photo traps, net trapping, acoustic recording (including bat monitoring at height), identification of suitable structures and monitoring of specific tracks.


Reference projects
