
Gull counts on land and from the air

Aerial photograph of a gull colony in which herring gulls and herring gulls were recorded.

Monitoring the breeding population of large gulls with drones can provide numbers that are more accurate and reduce disturbance in the breeding…

Welcome to MariLim!

Colleagues of MariLim and BioConsult Sh in front of the MariLim building in Kiel. Our Managing Director Georg Nehls warmly welcomes Thomas Meyer, founder and Managing Director of MariLim to join the BioConsult SH group along with his MariLim team.

As of January 1st 2025, MariLim Aquatic Research in Kiel has become part of BioConsult SH.

BioConsult SH invests in long-range UAVs for ecological research and monitoring

A UAV on an airfield.

We are excited to announce the acquisition of two Primoco One 150 aircrafts within the SeaMe project by RWE.

Study on auks and offshore wind farms

A guillemot with open beak, swimming on the water.

New study on offshore wind farm avoidance distances of common guillemots and razorbills published.

BioConsult SH is a network partner of the German Ocean Decade Committee

Photo collage. The background image is a satellite image of a blue whale in the sea; the logos of SPACEWHALE, BioConsult SH and a logo with the inscription: "Netzwerkpartner des Deutschen Komitees der UN-Ozeandekade (ODK) 2021-2023 (Network partner of the German Committee of the UN Ocean Decade (ODK) 2021-2023)" are arranged on the photo

The United Nations Ocean Decade is an international campaign for a healthy and sustainably managed ocean.

BioConsult SH attends the Marine Mammal Conference in Perth

This week, three of our colleagues are attending the Society for Marine Mammalogy conference in Australia.

The long journey of a red-throated diver

A red-throated diver in breeding plumage.

A red-throated diver we tagged in the North Sea flew more than 5000 kilometres on its way to its breeding area. Now it has returned.

SPACEWHALE nominated for the Planet Hero Award 2024

Group photo of six people on stage holding the certificates respectively the prize for first place. Our colleague Caroline Höschle from SPACEWHALE (2nd from left) together with the other nominees and the winner of the Planet Hero Award in the Ocean & Water Protection category. Far left: Jury member Prof Dr Antje Boetius.

The jury of Zurich Insurance's Planet Hero Award 2024 has nominated our SPACEWHALE service in the category Ocean and Water Protection.

Germany's first testing framework for anti-collision systems at wind turbines introduced

A group photo with five people, Schleswig-Holstein's Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt together with representatives of the companies BioConsult SH and ProTecBird.

The framework provides clear guidance for manufacturers in the development of anti-collision systems such as the AVES system that was co-developed by…

A bush pilot on a mission for nature conservation

Jaime Dias and BioConsult SH Managing Director Dr. Georg Nehls stand in front of a screen showing an aerial view of elephants.

Jaime Dias has been surveying wild animals in Africa from his aircraft for more than 10 years. He now paid a visit to BioConsult SH in Husum and…

BioConsult SH at the 35th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society

Screen above the podium at the 35th European Cetacean Society Conference, showing a slide with the title and logo of the conference.

BioConsult SH was once again an active participant in this year's conference of the European Cetacean Society.

Book on 600 small creatures in our gardens winner of the German Garden Book Award

Our colleague Armin Rose (left) with Robert von Süsskind at the award ceremony for the German Garden Book Award at Schloss Dennelohe.

We are proud to announce that our colleague Dr Armin Rose has been awarded the German Garden Book Prize 2024 for his non-fiction book on 600 different…

10 years of successful digital surveys of seabirds and marine mammals

A group of people stand on a lawn for a group photo. Trees in the background.

When the aircraft landed back in Husum after its first flight in early 2014, there was great excitement. How would the new method develop in the…

Partner companies visit BioConsult SH

A group photo with colleagues from BioConsult SH and Biotope in front of the BioConsult SH company building.

This week was all about the visit of our partner companies Biotope (France) and HiDef Aerial Surveying (UK).

For democracy and solidarity

Poster graphic with a call for a demonstration against the right on 27.01.2024 in Husum.

BioConsult SH stands for an open, diverse society. We oppose all attempts to jeopardise our democracy.

Study on the disturbance of harbour porpoises during the construction of offshore wind farms

An adult harbour porpoise and calf swimming in the sea.

In two publications, BioConsult SH investigated which deterrent devices are best at keeping harbour porpoises away from offshore construction sites.

New publications on deep-sea mining and beach litter monitoring in the Arctic

 Marine litter washed up on a beach in Greenland.

With projects on deep-sea mining and pollution of the oceans, BioConsult SH is addressing two highly pressing issues.

BioConsult SH at the UN Climate Change Conference

Entrance to Expo City in Dubai.

BioConsult SH is attending the 28th UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai with its "SPACEWHALE" service.

First commercial HiDef flight in Australia

View of the sea from an aeroplane window, with the propeller of the aircraft in the front right of the image.

HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd and BioConsult SH have conducted their first digital aerial offshore wildlife survey in Australia.

BioConsult SH at the 7th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts (CWW)

Logo of the "Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts (CWW)". A simplified wind turbine with a flying bird above it.

Theme of this year's international CWW in Croatia was a nature-compatible further development of on- and offshore wind energy use.

Minister for Economic Affairs visits ProTecBird's booth at HUSUM WIND

 for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck and ProTecBird Managing Director Thorsten Heinzen stand behind a camera system of the AVES system for the protection of birds at wind turbines. Several theme fair visitors can be seen in the background.

The Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck, visited the ProTecBird booth at the HUSUM WIND theme fair.

New non-fiction book for children and teenagers on 600 different insect species in our gardens

Book cover front of the book "600 cool crawlers" showing several insects.

Our colleague Dr Armin Rose has written a book for children and teenagers about insects, spiders and other creepy-crawly creatures in the garden.

New study to assess the risk that birds collide with wind turbines

Graphical 3D representation in which a bird of prey flies above a wind turbine. The collision risk of the bird with the wind turbine is shown with different colours.

In the study, probabilistic methods were tested to determine the mortality risk of breeding bird species vulnerable to collisions with wind…

BioConsult SH invited to United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023

A group photo, about 60 people. Behind them a large screen showing the logo of the Expo Live Innovation Programme.

Our SPACEWHALE service is finalist of the Expo Live Innovation Programme and invited to participate in the 28th United Nations Climate Change…

DiverLog – red-throated divers fitted with GPS loggers

A red-throated diver in breeding plumage with a GPS-GSM device on its back swims on the water.

Within the framework of the DiverLog project, the BioConsultSH team has successfully completed two field trips in project year 2023.

Environmental impacts of dredging on common eiders

A group of eider ducks at sea.

A recent publication describes an individual-based model analysing the influence of the construction of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed link on the nutritional…

BioConsult SH participates in the 34th Conference of the European Cetacean Society

Logo of the 34th Conference of the European Cetacean Society

From 16 to 20 April 2023, our colleagues Julika Voß, Karoline Hots and Alexander Schubert participated in this year's 34th conference of the European…

First drone surveys for APIS project

Two drones (DJI Matrice 300 RTK and Wingtra GEN II) are ready for use in a salt marsh.

In the APIS (Aerial Photogrammetric Integrative Surveys) project, drone-based species and habitat mapping is tested in the Wadden Sea National Park…

BioConsult SH compensates greenhouse gas emissions

A small area of green peat moss in a bog.

To compensate for our carbon dioxide emissions over the last year, we have chosen the "MoorFutures" programme.

SPACEWHALE wins @UpLink World Economic Forum Ocean Data Challenge

Aerial view of two humpback whales swimming side by side.

We are excited that UpLink announced our service SPACEWHALE as a winner of the Ocean Data Challenge at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in…

Webinar "Detecting and Monitoring Marine Megafauna from Space"

Logo of "SPACEWHALE", a service of BioConsult SH.

SPACEWHALE team member Julika Voß has presented the service in a webinar of the Decade Collaborative Center for the NE Pacific.

Federal government funds BioConsult SHs new drone project "APIS"

Six people stand next to each other, three of them holding a flight drone in their hands.

A research centre for civilian drone applications will be developed on a former military airfield In Leck in North Frisia.

Nine chapters of the Wadden Sea Quality Status Report (QSR) revised

[Translate to English:] Wattlandschaft. Im Vordergrund ein Wattwurmhaufen, im Hintergrund gegen den Horizont unscharf eine Gruppe von Wattwanderern.

What is the ecological status of the Wadden Sea? BioConsult SH has edited several chapters of the Wadden Sea Quality Status Report.

Funding decision for the project "Kiek Ma" handed over by Minister Dirk Schrödter

Eight people stand side by side in a room in front of a screen, the two people in the middle jointly hold a letter up to the camera.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in the processing of large amounts of image data.

Three ecological research and consulting offices form European alliance

Directors of BioConsult SH, Biotope and HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

BioConsult SH is pleased to announce its merger with Biotope, the leading provider of ecological surveys in France.

Deep-sea mining and the conse­quences for the environ­ment

[Translate to English:]

Our colleague Stefan Bräger recently co-authored a scientific publication on "Evaluating the quality of environmental baselines for deep seabed…

We welcome Thilo Liesenjohann as managing director

Dr. Thilo Liesenjohann stands in front of the company sign of BioConsult SH.

From 1 July 2022, Dr. Thilo Liesenjohann is managing director and shareholder of BioConsult SH GmbH& Co.KG and will manage the company together with…

SPACEWHALE on television

Logo of "SPACEWHALE", a service of BioConsult SH.

Mapping whales from space – our SPACEWHALE team on television.

SPACEWHALE wins international technology challenge

Four people stand in front of the company sign of BioConsult SH.

The SPACEWHALE service developed by BioConsult SH and HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd. wins the GRAVITY Challenge, a global technology innovation programme…

BioConsult SH featured on "nano" - Automatic shutdown systems for collision avoidance on wind turbines

In a report for the programme "nano" on 3Sat, our colleagues Esther Clausen and Dr Thilo Liesenjohann explain the functional principle of AVES -…

DiverLog – BioConsult SH launches new project on divers

 Red-throated diver in winter plumage.

In the DiverLog project, BioConsult SH investigates the influence of offshore wind farms on the behaviour and the population of the red-throated…

Study on the comparability of different radar systems used for bird migration surveys

Radar screen with bird signals.

How can nocturnal bird migration be monitored at sea? A BioConsult SH study compares migration intensities determined based on different types of…

Project red kite SH

Four red kites in their nest. Two young birds and two adults.

In the "Project red kite SH", BioConsult SH and other project partners are investigating the red kite population in a selected region in…

Taking action against the loss of insect populations

A hoverfly sitting in a yellow flower.

The neighbouring municipalities Bordelum and Langenhorn in the district of Northern Frisia have initiated the project “Insect-friendly model…

Previous news

Our news from 2015 to 2021.