257 results:


Volker Schlemm

Volker Schlemm


Digital aerial surveying of marine birds and mammals

Digital aerial surveying of marine birds and mammals – HiDef Since 2014, we carry out aerial marine bird and mammal surveys using the high-resolution HiDef video system.  0 0 HiDef…


About us

About us 0 0


APIS – Aerial Photogrammetric Integrative Surveys

2022 to 2024 0 0 APIS is a pilot project of UAM Inno Region SH (WIR! Bündnis) and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 0 0 …



SPACEWHALE – whale surveys from space SPACEWHALE is a service providing AI-based detection of large whales in very high-resolution satellite imagery. 0 0 Please refer to the website of the…


Whistleblowing reporting system

Whistleblowing reporting system 0 0 Why a whistleblower reporting system? 0 0 We consider compliance with law and legislation to be a matter of course in our business action. For…


Code of conduct

Code of conduct BioConsult SH is a team of natural scientists and was founded in 1998 as an independent ecological research and consulting firm. We compile expert environmental reports, principle…


Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policy

Our Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policy 0 0 BioConsult SH is a team of natural scientists and was founded in 1998 as an independent ecological research and consulting firm. We…


(Kopie 1)

(Kopie 1) m.weinreich@bioconsult-sh.de +49 4841 77937 22


Papers and reports

Papers and reports 0 0 2025 0 0 This is EPIC: Extensive Periphery for Impact and Control to study seabird habitat loss in and around offshore wind farms combining a peripheral…

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