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A meadow with wildflowers, including poppies. Grape plants behind it.

Biodiversity on a biodynamic farm

Wind energy development and species protection

 Marine litter washed up on a beach in Greenland.

Remote sensing surveys of plastic litter in the Arctic

Open moorland landscape with forest in the background.


Disused railway tracks, overgrown by plants.

Temporary nature

A wind turbine on a meadow in early spring. Around the wind turbine there are poles about 1 metre high to which short red and white fluttering tapes are attached.

Environmental construction supervision at Uelvesbüll wind farm

 Red-throated diver in winter plumage.

Telemetry of divers – DiverLog

Fehmarn­belt­ Fixed Link

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Habitat use-collision risk model

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Mussel monitoring

Seal monitoring

Drone image of a colony of gulls on an island in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea.

APIS – Aerial Photogrammetric Integrative Surveys

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Hazel dormouse mapping and concepts for measures

The high seat, a small black house on a small trailer that stands on rails.

Predator management in the Wadden Sea

Action for insects in Borde­lum and Langen­horn

Norgaardholz pleasure pier


Wind energy use in the Mediterranean – PHAROS4MPAS

Flying red kite.

Project red kite SH

Southern right whale survey in the South Pacific

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Water legislation assessment concerning dredging

Feasibility study on oyster farming

Conser­vation and restoration of moist and wet dune slacks

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Heath­land develop­ment measures

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Species-specific effectiveness of bird flight diverters

Telemetric monitoring of eagle owls

Effective­ness of mitigation measures to reduce the effects of wind turbines on birds

Promoting biodiversity

[Translate to English:] Luftaufnahme einer Rammplattform für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen, die von einem doppelten Blasenschleier umgeben wird.

Hydroschall – underwater noise emissions

[Translate to English:] Pril auf Hallig Hooge, im Hintergrund Warften mit Häusern.

Climate change and birds breeding on the Halligen

Decline of the common buzzard

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