Action for insects in Bordelum and Langen­horn

BioConsult SH was entrusted with planning, expert mapping and concept development for the project “Insect-friendly model municipalities Bordelum and Langenhorn”.

Taking action against the decline of insect populations

The neighbouring municipalities Bordelum and Langenhorn in the district of Northern Frisia have jointly initiated the project “Insect-friendly model municipalities Bordelum and Langenhorn”.

Worldwide and in Schleswig-Holstein, insect biodiversity is dramatically in decline. Far-reaching changes in land use since the beginning of the industrial revolution are the main reasons.

Many habitats of vital importance for insects moreover disappear due to landscape fragmentation. Especially loss of structural diversity and the resulting loss of areas with different stages of succession has an especially strong negative effect on insect populations.

This negative trend is further intensified by impacts of climate change and excess deposition of atmospheric nitrogen.

Aim of the project

The project aims to counteract the loss of biodiversity on community areas by promoting many insect species on a communal level. The low in nutrient soils of the Geest landscape provide ideal conditions for grassland that is rich in species and flowers.


Within the two municipalities, areas with a total size of 21.5 ha were included in the project and floristically mapped. Based on this mapping, BioConsult SH has developed a catalogue of grassland maintenance measures and development aims to enhance plant and animal – especially insect – diversity in the respective areas.

The proposed measures include adapted mowing and grazing regimes, sowing and planting of regional seed mixtures and perennials, enhancement of smaller water bodies and improvement of structural diversity through for example fallow strips.

BioConsult SH has also compiled a development concept for the project with an overview of possible measures for insect protection in the municipalities as well as a selected list of recommended reading and practical advice.

All areas were digitally mapped and supplied in from a green space register for further use by the municipalities.

Successful implementation of the measures requires active publicity work to counteract existing conflicts between appropriately developed insect protection measures and public expectations for well-kept areas by providing information.

Further information

The project development stage as well as the implementation of the project from 2022 is supported by the German Association for Landscape management (Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege e. V.) within the framework of the nature conservation project “Blütenbunt-Insektenreich (colourful flowers–rich in insects)” and the association “Verein Runder Tisch Naturschutz Nordfriesland e. V.”.
