The PROGRESS project aimed to determine collision rates of birds (of prey) and to establish planning-related recommendations to estimate and assess the risk that birds collide with wind turbines.
Field research project on bird collision rates at wind turbines
Bird (and bat) collisions are considered a key area of conflict between further development of wind energy use and nature conservation. As numerous bird species and all bird of prey species are strictly protected under EU legislation, collisions represent a legally important species conservation aspect in approval procedures.
Aim of the project therefore was to collect representative data on collision rates of birds with onshore wind turbines in several North German federal states in a systematic field research project over three years. Line transect searches for collision victims were carried out on a regular basis.
The actual number of collision victims was calculated including experimentally determined correction factors. Behavioural observations of birds were additionally included in the assessment of a risk of collision with existing wind turbines. Furthermore, modelling of the influence of additional mortality was used to address a possible significance on population level.
The PROGRESS project was successfully completed in June 2016. The PROGRESS team would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to, supported or accompanied the project.
Papers and reports
Full final report (in German):
Summary and conclusions:
Résumé et Synthèse (en francais):
Détermination des taux de collision des oiseaux (y compris rapaces) et principes fondamentaux pour prévoir et évaluer le risque de collision dans la conception des projets éoliens (projet de recherche PROGRESS)
Rapport final du projet collaboratif PROGRESS, soutenu sous la référence 0325300 A-D par le Ministère fédéral allemand de l’Économie et de l’Énergie (BMWi) dans le cadre du 6e programme de recherche sur les énergies lancé par le gouvernement fédéral.
Project description PROGRESS (in German):
Wie viele Vögel kollidieren mit Windenergieanlagen?
Natur und Landschaft 84 (7) p. 309-14
A Large-Scale, Multispecies Assessment of Avian Mortality Rates at Land-Based Wind Turbines in Northern Germany
In: Köppel, J. (eds) Wind Energy and Wildlife Interactions. Springer, Cham.
Report from the discussion meeting held on the 17th of November 2016 (organized by the "Fachagentur Windenergie an Land e. V.") (in German):
Windenergie und Artenschutz: Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsvorhaben PROGRESS und praxisrelevante Konsequenzen. Diskussionsveranstaltung am 17. November 2016 in Hannover.
Fachagentur Windenergie an Land e.V.
Further Information
Funding period
2011 to 2015
Funded by
The joint project was funded by the Federal Government, initially by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, later by the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
Funding ID
0325300 A-D