DiverLog – BioConsult SH launches new project on divers


In the DiverLog project, BioConsult SH investigates the influence of offshore wind farms on the behaviour and the population of the red-throated divers.

 Red-throated diver in winter plumage.

Red-throated diver in winter plumage.

The red-throated diver is a marine bird species wintering on the North and Baltic Seas as well as off the German coast. In their wintering area, the birds show particularly sensitive reactions to barriers and disturbances as offshore wind farms and ship traffic.

Over the three years of the project, red-throated divers will be equipped with data loggers in their resting area in the German North Sea. Use of up-to-date GPS loggers allows tracking the exact movement patterns. With the help of integrated pressure sensors, the foraging behaviour of the red-throated divers can additionally be recorded.

Based on these data, impacts on the birds’ fitness and possible long-term population effects will be calculated. Overall objective is to provide a basis for the development of mitigation meaasures and spatial planning of offshore wind farms.

More information can be found on the project homepage.