225 results:


Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link – construction monitoring

Femern A/S since 2021 itap GmbH Quiet Oceans Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link – marine environmental construction monitoring As part of a consortium, BioConsult SH is accompanying the construction of…


Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link – environmental impact assessment

Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link – environmental impact assessment On behalf of Femern A/S, BioConsult SH has accompanied the German plan approval procedure for the construction of the Fehmarnbelt…


Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link

Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link On behalf of Femern A/S, BioConsult SH accompanies the construction of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link between the islands of Fehmarn and Lolland. Europe's largest…


Seal monitoring

State Agency for Coastal Protection, National Parks and Ocean Protection (Landesbetrieb für Küstenschutz, Nationalpark und Meeresschutz – LKN). Seal monitoring The two seal species –…


Whistleblowing reporting system

Whistleblowing reporting system Why a whistleblower reporting system? We consider compliance with law and legislation to be a matter of course in our business action. For us, compliance with laws…


New publications on deep-sea mining and beach litter monitoring in the Arctic

With projects on deep-sea mining and pollution of the oceans, BioConsult SH is addressing two highly pressing issues.



2011 to 2015 The joint project was funded by the Federal Government, initially by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, later by the Ministry for Economic…



Our services Onshore – Coast – Offshore


Environmental construction supervision

Onshore environmental construction supervision Implementing construction projects outside the breeding season and migration times of amphibians is not always possible. Environmental construction…

Anna Backes

Anna Backes a.backes@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 49

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