225 results:

Monika Dorsch

Monika Dorsch m.dorsch@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 78

Jessica Kecinski

Jessica Kecinski j.kecinski@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 24

Eike Laffrenzen

Eike Laffrenzen e.laffrenzen@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 120


Mussel monitoring

Nationalparkverwaltung Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer Caroline Höschle David Naumann, David Bar, Jessika Peters, Jennifer Schäfer Datenerhebung und Monitoring Auswertung Blue mussel and…


Species-specific effectiveness of bird flight diverters

2016-2018 3516 83 0700 Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) ARSU (Arbeitsgruppe für regionale Struktur- und Umweltforschung GmbH Oldenburg) Species-specific effectiveness of bird…


The red kite SH project

State Agency for Agriculture, the Environment and Rural Areas (Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume, LLUR) Caroline Höschle David Naumann, David Bar, Jessika Peters, Jennifer…

Stephen Salazar

Stephen Salazar s.salazar@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 96

Rodrigo A. Martínez Catalán

Rodrigo A. Martínez Catalán r.catalan@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 141


Drone-based aerial surveys

Drone-based aerial surveys Use of drones allows capturing timely, high-resolution aerial photographs for various purposes. Among others, these include biological surveys or the supervision of…


APIS – Aerial Photogrammetric Integrative Surveys

2022 to 2024 APIS is a pilot project of UAM Inno Region SH (WIR! Bündnis) and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Fachhochschule Westküste –…

Search results 61 until 70 of 225