262 results:


(Kopie 1)

(Kopie 1) a.lechtenboerger@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 04


Nina Oestereich

Nina Oestereich n.oestereich@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 142


Eva Lages

Eva Lages e.lages@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 115


Navina Liebermann-Lilie

Navina Liebermann-Lilie n.liebermann-lilie@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 148


Anna Backes

Anna Backes a.backes@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 49


Annika Müller

Annika Müller a.mueller@bioconsult-sh.de +49 (0) 4841 77937 50


Environmental construction supervision onshore

Onshore environmental construction supervision Implementing construction projects outside the breeding season and migration times of amphibians is not always possible. Environmental construction…


Digital aerial surveying of marine birds and mammals

Digital aerial surveying of marine birds and mammals – HiDef Since 2014, we carry out aerial marine bird and mammal surveys using the high-resolution HiDef video system.  HiDef aerial surveys…


Southern right whale survey in the South Pacific

Southern right whale survey in the South Pacific Our SPACEWHALE service detects large whales on satellite imagery. In a study in New Zealand, this method was used to count southern right whales. The…



Eco-account We compile all the necessary documents for your eco-account and accompany you to the date of application. Nature conservation areas to compensate for later interventions in nature and…

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